jueves, 12 de julio de 2012


The clonation consist in create a living thing genetically equal to that originally gave.

To clone a living being scientifics take the nucleus of a cell of an organism and transferring into an egg cell that has been previously removed the nucleus and the embryo develops as if the egg was fertilized normally.

Actually the human clonation isn't possible, and in addition the human clonation have always had ethical barriers because religious people say clonation is the destruction of the human being, and is against God and the natural order.

The clonation has had success in the animal kingdom like sheeps, rats, frogs, etc.

The firts cloned animal was Dolly the sheep, made up of only a stem cell of the real sheep and a ovum and without the fertilization of a spermatozoid.


when we talk about offsprings, we can refer to a person's children or to a plant or animal's young as their offspring.

The offspring receive, or inherit, pairs of genes from their parents and the phenotype. One gene in each pair comes from the one parent. The other gene comes from the other parent.

Sometimes, one trait appears in offspring while the other stays hidden. 


The mutation is an alteration in the structure or number of genes or chromosomes of a living organism that is transmitted to descendants by inheritance and produce a change its characteristic.

The most common mutation is the chromosome mutation that are changes in the total number of chromosomes, the duplication or deletion of genes or segments of a chromosome and rearrangement of genetic material within or between chromosomes.

One of the most frequent chromosomic mutation is Down Syndrome (95% of the cases)

The Down Syndrome is a duplication in the cromosome 21 and this cause problems with the way body and brain develop.

The Chromosomes

A chromosome is a part of a cell that contains genes which determine what characteristics the organism will have. The Chromosome contains the DNA that is divided in small units called GENES.

The human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes and usually the men have a X & Y chromosome and women have two X chromosomes.

Fails or defects in some chromosomes are responsible for several disorders and diseases of genetic transmission, among others.

it has 5 main parts:
  • Chromatid
  • Centromere
  • Telomere
  • Long arm
  • Short arm